Taking action for the future

When it comes to fighting climate change, hot air is part of the problem. Not the solution. That’s why at Bloomberg and Bloomberg Philanthropies we’re using our expertise in data and decades of leading from the front to tackle the crisis from every angle.

We’re actively investing in a sustainable future: integrating sustainability across our business; forming global partnerships that amplify our impact; galvanizing world leaders to make real policy change; and creating solutions that enable our clients, communities and employees to succeed in a rapidly evolving world.

Mike Bloomberg
Mike Bloomberg

UN Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions

When leadership is needed in the fight to save the planet, Mike Bloomberg steps up. As the UN Special Envoy, he is building on decades of proven experience fighting climate change: fostering public-private sector collaboration from his unique position at the nexus of government, business and philanthropy. Today he supports the UN Secretary-General’s work to grow and strengthen the coalition of governments, companies, cities and financial institutions committing to net-zero before 2050.

Learn more about Mike and the roles he plays in fighting climate change, and follow @MikeBloomberg on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.

“If more governments and businesses take bold action, we can still avoid the worst impacts of climate change and build a better future for our children and grandchildren.”

Mike Bloomberg

Acting together at COP28

Solving climate change is hard. Sitting back is impossible. At Bloomberg, we’re taking action in the lead-up to COP28 – and beyond – working with our partners to accelerate the clean energy transition, inspire local climate action, protect our oceans, clean the air, and mobilize climate finance. For more info, reach out here.


of the world economy is now committed to net zero emissions


in climate aid for developing countries is needed to meet Paris Agreement goals

Leading by example

Clean energy

Through our products, philanthropy and Mike Bloomberg’s leadership, we’re providing the tools, insight and impetus the world needs to move beyond carbon.

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Climate finance

We’re driving transparency into the financial impacts of climate change and mobilizing climate finance to unlock trillions of dollars in green investment globally.

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Local action

We’re rallying cities, businesses and communities to take innovative climate action – and join Mike Bloomberg in protecting the planet.

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Special Report cover

Special Report: COP26

Why green investment and climate finance will play an essential role in powering the transition to net zero

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